Couples and individual Therapy & Counselling in Derbyshire

Currently offering online
and face to face
sessions in Matlock Derbyshire
Therapy with couples, families and individuals.
I am a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Systemic Psychotherapist working in Derbyshire. I offer couple, family and individual work with adults aged 18 + across the lifespan in The Matlock Therapy Centre. I also offer training and supervision.
The systemic approach focuses on the context of patterns, relationship and interactions within families and wider systems in order to understand and create change. Family systemic psychotherapy is not a long drawn out treatment and will rarely carry on for over a year.
About me
Until recently I ran a couple and family service across the life span from young adults aged 18 years old onwards to older age in the NHS until I retired. I lecture at local universities on Doctor of Clinical Psychology and Children and Young People’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapy CYIAPT courses.
I am also an Approved Systemic supervisor having taken a higher qualification. So, I also offer supervision and supervision of supervision. In addition, as I believe in contributing to the development of better services and professional development, I serve on committees relating to the Association of Family Therapy, AFT.
I am registered with both the Health Professions Council as a clinical psychologist and the United Kingdom Council of Psychotherapists and follow the Association of Family Therapy’s ethical guidelines. They are the organisations that handle complaints.
Couples and Individual Therapy in Matlock Derbyshire
Process of the Work
Most of my clients self-refer. I work with clients with issues that relate to life events that can affect relationships. These effects can go on to cause changes in emotional, physical and mental health. I work quite flexibly, sometimes seeing individuals, couples, parents on their own and sometimes everyone comes together.
I can work with young adults, who are struggling with new relationships, identity and independence. At any stage adult parents sometimes need support and consultation on how best to be a resource to adult children with mental health problems. With clients in later life, for example I might be working with adjusting to retirement and changes in health that can be equivalent stressors, particularly in older adults.
Sometimes the work can include three generations of a family. Occasionally siblings come to resolve family problems. Friends and cousins can also be invited into therapy. I always refer clients on for specialist help if I can’t help them.
I accept referrals from GP’s, but I prefer to talk directly with clients to ensure they find the right therapist for them which may or may not be me. I offer consultation and signposting to those I feel need help from other kinds of professionals.
Specialist Supervision
I offer systemic family therapy supervision on a face to face and online to individuals and groups of professionals. I can adjust my practice to help professionals with their clinical work and enable continuing professional development across a career lifetime. I understand and believe it is important to work with supervisees to address the personal impact of the work and the context factors that can sometimes contribute to stress.
I have supervised Clinical Psychologists, Counsellors and Systemic Family Therapists whilst in training and post training. In particular, the supervision I offered to these professions went across different working contexts including learning difficulties, older adults, CAMHS, Adult Mental Health, adult and child inpatient settings and health psychology. I can also offer supervision of supervision.
Individuals and couples £70 for a 50-minute session online
Face to face sessions £85
Families of 3 or more members £100 for a 90-minute session online
Face to face £115
All assessment appointments are 90 minutes so charged at 1.5 x standard rate.
For larger families two therapists may be recommended: fees to be agreed in advance
Individual or couples therapy appointments are generally weekly or fortnightly. Family appointments may be every 2-4 weeks and generally last 90 minutes